Passed by Congress and signed into law on January 1, 1970, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) broke new ground as the first major Federal legislative effort to incorporate environmental considerations into all government decision-making. 42 U.S.C. §§4321-4347.

NEPA established the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to compile information on environmental conditions and trends and provide guidance of same to the President and federal agencies. CEQ is the agency responsible for implementing NEPA and works to ensure that environmental reviews for projects and federal actions are thorough, efficient and reflect the input of the public and local communities. CEQ’s regulations remain a key source of procedural protections, including public participation, cumulative impact assessment and alternative analysis.

NEPA promotes the protection, preservation, and enhancement of the environment and addresses growing concerns about the environmental impacts of large-scale development projects.  Its purpose requires federal agencies to consider the environmental impacts of their actions and decisions before they Act.

What triggers NEPA?

Federal agencies must consider the potential impacts of major federal actions and reasonable alternatives on the human environment.

Major Federal Actions – Activities that are undertaken, funded, authorized, or approved by a federal agency.

NEPA applies to NBRC-funded projects.


NBRC NEPA Resources:
NBRC NEPA Process Flowchart
NBRC Environmental Assessment (EA) Guidance (July 2022)
NBRC Environmental Assessment Template
NBRC Notice of Availability Template
NBRC LDD NEPA Training - TCG Slideshow presentation
NBRC CATEX Adoption List (Updated October 21, 2024)

NBRC Spring Round New Grantee NEPA Training FY24


Other NEPA Resources:

The National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. §§4321-4347)

CEQ Regulations for Implementing NEPA

Bipartisan Permitting Reform Implementation Proposed Rule

Bipartisan Permitting Reform Implementation Rule permitting efficiencies included in the Fiscal Responsibility Act (Press Release)