Local Development Districts
Role of Regional Organizations in NBRC Grant Adminstration
What is an LDD?
The NBRC Federal-State partnership is aided by a group of regional organizations called Local Development Districts (LDDs) that assist the NBRC in its outreach activities and administer NBRC investments for grantees. LDDs are either an already existing federally designated Economic Development District, as certiļ¬ed by the US Economic Development Administration, or an organization similar in nature to a regional planning commission.
What is the Role of an LDD?
LDDs are knowledgeable about other Federal and State programs that help fund economic and community development projects. They are aware of local concerns as most engage in regional economic development planning of varying degrees. LDDs provide feedback to the Commission on its current programs as well as assist in identifying future areas of focus for the Commission.
Each Catalyst Program (SEID & IIJA) award is required to utilize an LDD for grant administration assistance unless they are an agency of State government, an LDD, or have requested and received LDD waiver approval from NBRC prior to the submission of the Catalyst Program application.
LDDs are compensated for their administrative work, through a reimbursement process with the grantee, based on the formula of 2% of the NBRC award. LDD grant administration costs are an eligible NBRC cost for an amount not to exceed the formula. If grant administration assistance beyond the total available under the formula, those must be paid for with matching funds. Grant administration duties include assisting with quarterly reporting, reimbursement requests, final reporting and general guidance (see Role of the LDD document for more details).
If an entity is required to utilize an LDD, grant administration costs must be reflected as a line item within the project budget submitted in support of a Catalyst Program application for funding. Please see the Catalyst Program Manual for additional guidance on where this cost should be reflected in the project budget (SF424cbw).
LDDs utilized by grantees must have opted into the Partnership Program (below) for the current cycle year and continue to meet programmatic requirements to be eligible to provide grant administration assistance to new grantees.
What is NOT the Role of an LDD?
It is not expected that the LDD will conduct bid processes and/or assess bid documents for completion, interviewing potential consultants or other procurement processes. The 2% grant administration allowance also does not cover assisting a grantee with the completion of NEPA. While some of our LDD partners have this capacity and experience, if a grantee wishes to engage the LDD in these processes, those are eligible NBRC costs, which must be reflected in the project budget (SF424cbw), and the grantee may enter a separate Grant Management contract with the LDD for those services.
I am an NBRC grantee/applicant: How do I find my LDD?
Please click here for the current list of LDDs. Please make sure to reference the state tabs on the bottom of the sheet.
The earlier in the grant application process you connect with your LDD, the better! LDDs have a lot of knowledge and resources that can be of assistance throughout the entire grant life cycle.
NBRC Local Development District Partnership Program
NBRC has initiated the process to jumpstart a LDD Partnership Program (estimated start FY24), beginning with phase 1, improving relationships with LDDs, which started in 2023. The purpose of this phase was to signal to the LDDs that we are attempting to provide better/more resources to aid them in their grant administration of NBRC grants. NBRC will be implementing a partnership program that will hold both NBRC and the LDDs accountable to a higher standard of service to applicants to our programs, with special attention to our historically underserved communities within our service area.
Opt In/Out Process*
In Phase 1, NBRC contacted all LDDs currently listed on our website to inquire about their interest and capacity to continue to serve as an LDD. The objective was to get a real-time sense of which LDDs are interested in engaging in this partnership and remove LDDs from the list who are not currently interested, perhaps due to capacity issues. In 2023, we had 40 LDDs opt in to provide grant administration services to our region! NBRC intends to repeat this process on an annual basis in December/January to ensure the LDD list on our website is an accurate resource for our grantees.
Opted In LDDs agree to:
1. Attend required trainings hosted or co-hosted by NBRC**
2. Continue to be listed as a grant resource, available for grant administration
3. Maintain internal capacity to administer NBRC grants for one year
* PLEASE NOTE: The opt in process applies to providing grant administration help to any potential new grantees for that year’s grant awards. If you are currently under contract with projects awarded in past years, you are not opting out of those contracts. Opting out is signaling to NBRC that you do not have the capacity to take on any NEW grantees. LDDs who opt out in one year could opt back in if they so choose. They would simply reach out to NBRC.
**Attendance at LDD trainings are an NBRC eligible expense, which can be charged to an existing LDD contract you may have with a current grantee. For entities located in States where you have a technical assistance line to charge to, under the State’s Capacity Grant Program, your time can be charged there. If you have both an existing LDD contract and the availability to be reimbursed for technical assistance through the State, NBRC asks that you charge the time to the contract through the State. If you are unsure where to charge your time, please reach out to NBRC’s Capacity Coordinator, Sarah Lang via slang@nbrc.gov for guidance.
2024 LDD Partnership Program Goals
In conjunction with continuing to operate the opt in/out process for an up-to-date list of LDDs providing grant administration and hosting required trainings for our LDDs, NBRC will continue to utilize this partnership including but not limited to:
- Utilize feedback from LDD listening sessions to improve processes.
- Build best practices resources for the LDD network, including a resource library.
- Coordinate with state partners to encourage funding to support preapplication and project development assistance.
- Conduct annual session focused on federal and state funding opportunities.
NBRC LDD Resource Library:
LDD Trainings
LDD Overview and Reimbursement Process (March 2023): Recording | Slides
NEPA, PNTP and NTP (July 2023): Recording | Slides
BABAA and Procurement (September 2023): Recording | Slides
Theres a Form for That! (December 2023): Recording | Slides
LDD Peer Learning Roundtable (July 2024): Recording
(Please Note: this training consisted mostly of break out room discussions, which we were not able to record. At minute 18:30, you can listen to a high-level report out of the conversations.)
LDD GMS Trainings
Creating a GMS Account as an SME User (March 2024): Recording | SME Account Creating and Troubleshooting Instructions
Reviewing Applications as an LDD (April 2024): Recording | LDD Support Tab And LDD Review Guidance
Instructions and Tutorials
- SF-270 Instructions and Tutorial
- SF-PPR Instructions and Tutorial
- LDD Network LinkedIn Group Instructions